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7 Habits that make you look more professional

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 20-02-2020
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7 Habits that make you look more professional7 Habits that make you look more professional
7 Habits that make you look more professional, 7 habits that make you look more professional,  tips for how to behave in office,  how to behave at workplace,  ways to be professional at work,  personality development,  ifairer
Be yourself
When you applied for the job you have, you behaved as yourself at your best. Employer hired you because there was something about your personality they thought their business might benefit from, financially. Resist the temptation to begin to emulate the behavior of your co workers. Employers are frequently disappointed to see a new hire who was lively and enthusiastic during the hiring process become morose and sullen after spending a few days with his/her other employees.

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7 habits that make you look more professional, tips for how to behave in office, how to behave at workplace, ways to be professional at work, personality development, ifairer

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