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7 Fruits For Look Younger

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 15-09-2014
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7 Fruits For Look Younger 7 Fruits For Look Younger
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cup has up to 130% of the DV of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that boosts production of collagen fibers that help keep skin smooth and firm. More C may mean fewer fine lines too: Women with lower intakes were likelier to have dry, wrinkled skin. Early research also shows that ellagic acid, an antioxidant abundant in strawberries, protects the elastic fibers that keep skin from sagging.
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7 fruits for look younger, look younger fruits for better skin,7 ways fruit makes you look and feel younger, fruits that reverse the signs of aging, fruits that make you look younger, 7 fruits for younger-looking, supple skin, fruits for look younger, how to look younger, how to look beautiful, tips for looking younger, ifairer

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