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7 Easy tricks to make a small bathrooms look bigger

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 12-12-2015
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7 Easy tricks to make a small bathrooms look bigger 7 Easy tricks to make a small bathrooms look bigger
7 Easy tricks to make a small bathrooms look bigger , 7 easy tricks to make a small bathrooms look bigger,  how to make a small bathrooms look bigger,  tips to make a small bathrooms look bigger,  home decor,  ifairer
Paint the ceiling the color of the walls
Painting the ceiling a different color, especially a dark color, will make it look low. Painting it white will stop your eye right at the ceiling line, also making the bathroom feel small.

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7 easy tricks to make a small bathrooms look bigger, how to make a small bathrooms look bigger, tips to make a small bathrooms look bigger, home decor, ifairer

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