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7 Best places for river rafting in India

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 02-11-2023
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7 Best places for river rafting in India
7 Best places for river rafting in India, best places for river rafting in india,  places for river rafting,  destinations for river rafting in india,  river rafting,  india,  river rafting locations in inida,  ifairer
Kullu Manali, Himachal:- In Himachal, River Beas offers white water rafting in India. The rafting starts from Pirdi and extends to Jhiri that covers around 14 kms. The rafters can enjoy Views of Kullu Manali in this journey. The rapids range from grade 1 to grade 3. The best time for rafting is March to June.

Brahamputra, Arunachal Pradesh:- On the waters of river Brahamputra, you can take experience of rafting. This is also called Tsangpo-Brahamputra. The best time for rafting is November to March.

Teesta river, Sikkim:- The beautiful Sikkim offers rafting on river Teesta. The rafting enthusiasts need to cover 309 kms during their expedition. The rapids here vary from grade 2 to grade 4. The best time for rafting is October to April.
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best places for river rafting in india, places for river rafting, destinations for river rafting in india, river rafting, india, river rafting locations in inida, ifairer

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