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6 Strange Things About Women!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 14-11-2014
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6 Strange Things About Women! 6 Strange Things About Women!
6 Strange Things About Women! , men,  women,  men and women,  bizarre,  weird things of women,  strange things of women,  important things for women,  truths about women,  ifairer
Never ending shopping

Even after having a wardrobe full of clothes, women always feel that they don't have clothes to wear. Once the plan is fixed, the woman will open her wardrobe and stare for more than 30 minutes to know what they want to wear! It is one of the weird things about women that men hate. Shopping every other day is quite heavy on the man's pocket.
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men, women, men and women, bizarre, weird things of women, strange things of women, important things for women, truths about women, ifairer

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