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6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-03-2016
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6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas
6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas, predictions about kali yug mentioned in the vedas,  kali yug predictions in vedas,  vedas and kali yug,  what might happen in kali yug,  prediction according to vedas,  astrology,  spirituality
Men and women will be attracted to each other only superficially - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.2.3

dampatye bhirucir hetur; mayaiva vyavaharike
stritve pumstve ca hi ratir; vipratve sutram eva hi

Men and women will live with each other but only out of superficial attraction. It's hard to argue the texts with all the objectification of men and women today. We go to gym only to get puffed up chests so that we may appear more promiscuous and no one really cares about good health or staying fit.

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predictions about kali yug mentioned in the vedas, kali yug predictions in vedas, vedas and kali yug, what might happen in kali yug, prediction according to vedas, astrology, spirituality

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