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6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-03-2016
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6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas
6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas, predictions about kali yug mentioned in the vedas,  kali yug predictions in vedas,  vedas and kali yug,  what might happen in kali yug,  prediction according to vedas,  astrology,  spirituality
Man will kill his family and friends over money - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.41

kalau kakinike py arthe; vigrihya tyakta-sauhridah
tyakshyanti ca priyan pranan; hanishyanti svakan api

Hatred among humans would rise and we will have no regard for friendly relations. People will not even hesitate to kill their friends and families for their own petty interests. Brothers and friends stabbing friends over money is a common occurrence today. Choosing wealth over humanity is not big deal.
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predictions about kali yug mentioned in the vedas, kali yug predictions in vedas, vedas and kali yug, what might happen in kali yug, prediction according to vedas, astrology, spirituality

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