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6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-03-2016
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6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas
6 Predictions about Kali Yug mentioned in the Vedas, predictions about kali yug mentioned in the vedas,  kali yug predictions in vedas,  vedas and kali yug,  what might happen in kali yug,  prediction according to vedas,  astrology,  spirituality
Then cities will be run by thieves - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.32

dasyutkrishta janapada; vedah pashanda-dushitah
rajanas ca praja-bhakshah; sisnodara-para dvijah

Our society will be dominated and rules by thieves, the atheists will contaminate the essence of the Vedas with their own shallow interpretations and the priests and intellectuals of the society would be puppets to the corrupt politicians. Each and every word is true.
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predictions about kali yug mentioned in the vedas, kali yug predictions in vedas, vedas and kali yug, what might happen in kali yug, prediction according to vedas, astrology, spirituality

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