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5 Worst Ways Alcohol Affects Your Body

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 20-08-2014
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5 Worst Ways Alcohol Affects Your Body
5 Worst Ways Alcohol Affects Your Body
 , 5 worst ways alcohol affects your body, your workouts suffer, it will increase your appetite and your weight, it can damage your organs, it will zap brain power, it ruins your sleep,  , disadvantages of alcohol,  side effects of alcohol,  demerits of alcohol,  how can alcohol harm your body,  ways how alcohol can spoil your body,  ifairer
It Ruins Your Sleep

A glass of wine tends to chill you out enough to fall right to sleep, but you won't actually get quality rest with alcohol. Booze reduces sleep, and without it, you'll feel like you never got any shuteye at all.
5 Worst Ways Alcohol Affects Your Body
Tags :
5 worst ways alcohol affects your body,your workouts suffer,it will increase your appetite and your weight,it can damage your organs,it will zap brain power,it ruins your sleep, ,disadvantages of alcohol, side effects of alcohol, demerits of alcohol, how can alcohol harm your body, ways how alcohol can spoil your body, ifairer

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