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15 Women lead India's success in sports

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 07-03-2020
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15 Women lead India15 Women lead India
15 Women lead India's success in sports, women day special,  15 women lead india success in sports,  greatest indian sportswomen of all time,  indian women sports,  indian women in sports,  womens day,  international women day,  international women day 2020,  ifairer
P.T. Usha - Track & Field
Nicknamed as Payyoli Express, udanpari and Golden Girl because of her incredible speed on the racetrack, P.T. Usha is the sprint queen of India and one of the best athletes our country has produced till date. Even today, her impressive track record in the world of athletics remains unmatched by any other athlete in the world.

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women day special, 15 women lead india success in sports, greatest indian sportswomen of all time, indian women sports, indian women in sports, womens day, international women day, international women day 2020, ifairer

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