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15 Hindu Traditions and their Hidden Scientific Logic

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 20-09-2018
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15 Hindu Traditions and their Hidden Scientific Logic15 Hindu Traditions and their Hidden Scientific Logic
15 Hindu Traditions and their Hidden Scientific Logic, 15 hindu traditions and their hidden scientific logic,  amazing scientific reasons behind hindu traditions,  surprising reasons behind hindu traditions,  science behind indian culture,  hindu traditions and scientific reasons,  hinduism and science,  scientific reasons behind indian traditions,  astrology,  spirituality,  ifairer
Reason behind throwing coins in river...
Coins in the past used to be made of copper which is a vital metal for the human body. Throwing coins in the river was a way to intake sufficient copper as rivers were the only source of drinking water back then.
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15 hindu traditions and their hidden scientific logic, amazing scientific reasons behind hindu traditions, surprising reasons behind hindu traditions, science behind indian culture, hindu traditions and scientific reasons, hinduism and science, scientific reasons behind indian traditions, astrology, spirituality, ifairer

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