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14 historical Bizarre Beauty Treatments

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 18-08-2014
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14 historical Bizarre Beauty Treatments 14 historical Bizarre Beauty Treatments
14 historical Bizarre Beauty Treatments , 14 historical bizarre beauty treatments,  general articles,  ifairer,  horrible beauty treatments,  beauty treatments,  latest news
Fire Treatment
As part of a treatment known as Huo Liao, an alcohol soaked towel and special 'elixir'is placed over the problem area, such as the face, legs, or back, and then lit on fire. After a few seconds, it is quickly extinguished before the heat becomes unbearable.

The treatment stimulates skin, reducing dullness, sagging an wrinkles, and experts believe it helps  can even cure the common cold.
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14 historical bizarre beauty treatments, general articles, ifairer, horrible beauty treatments, beauty treatments, latest news

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