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10 Weirdly Bizarre Food Ingredients Used

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 28-05-2016
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10 Weirdly Bizarre Food Ingredients Used10 Weirdly Bizarre Food Ingredients Used
10 Weirdly Bizarre Food Ingredients Used, 10 weirdly bizarre food ingredients used,  bizarre food ingredients,  weird ingredients used in food,  grossest food ingredients,  bizarre food ingredients,  weird and gross ingredients in processed food,  
cuisines,  travel,  ifairer
Urine in Virgin Boy Egg...
A cuisine of China, Virgin Boy Eggs are made by boiling eggs in the urine of young school going Chinese boys preferably under 10 years of age. They recognized the recipe as local intangible cultural heritage.
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10 weirdly bizarre food ingredients used, bizarre food ingredients, weird ingredients used in food, grossest food ingredients, bizarre food ingredients, weird and gross ingredients in processed food, cuisines, travel, ifairer

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